Earlier we began our 30 days of gratitude prayer lists as we enter the month of November and Thanksgiving. Hopefully you began writing them down for your own lists and will join me in the next 30 days of gratitude, Thanksgiving, and praises to God.
Day 16- Thank God for children
Oh, our bundle of joys of ups and downs. Even if you're not a parent you probably have found children in your life who mean a lot to you. Children watch us, look up to us and are great at copying our words and actions. Children are a gift and blessing from God, and we all are God's children. Thank God for making you part of His family and that He loves you unconditionally and endlessly. Pray that you can show the same love to the children in your life.
Day 17- Thank God for your true identity
This world has a way of taking away who we really are, who God created us to be. They want to conform us to their image and label us all. Thank God for your true identity, a child of God, His heir. Thank Him that you are valued, loved, and redeemed and that you are not part of this world.
Day 18- Thank God for the Bible
We are privileged to not only have access to His Word, but that we can own it freely too. We can read it and gain life giving power. It is our guide and so much more than a simple book, it is LIFE. Thank God that we have access to the Bible and pray you can always use it as a light to lead your path. Pray as you read, Gods truth will be revealed to you.
Day 19- Thank God for His peace
It is very hard to find those tranquil, silent moments in such a loud, busy, chaotic world. God is peace and when we commune with God and daily seek Him and lean on Him, He will give us a peace that passes all understanding.
Day 20- Thank God for your freedom
Galatians 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ, and I no longer live but Christ lives in me.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us when we accept Christ into our hearts, we are reborn and renewed, our old ways have passed away and we are given the freedom of salvation and are no longer a slave to sin because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Thank God today for your freedom in a world where so many freedoms are being taken away.
Day 21- Thank God for your job
It may not be what you wanted. You may feel you're not appreciated or there's something better out there for you. Trust God that He has put you in this particular place at this particular time. Although we only see the snippets, God sees the entire picture. Look for ways you can use your gifts from God to share God at your job. Pray that you can work to your best ability and thank Him for the job opportunities.
Day 22- Thank God for public servants
How often are we so caught up in our own lives that we forget those God placed in positions to help us. Where would we be without teachers, police officers, fireman, garbagemen, postal workers, wait staff, grocers, and so many other jobs that help us live our daily lives. Everyone plays an important role in making this world go round and God placed everyone in their job to help each other. Take time to remember them too.
Day 23- Thank God for your life
God is life, He gives life, He is the air we breathe. It was God who knitted you together in your mother's womb. We are His masterpiece, His crowning glory. Through Him we have eternal life, and it is through His love for us that we can get through each day and all our darkest hours. Praise God for the blessings of life He has given you, and that you have been given salvation and the promise of eternal life with Him.
Day 24- Thank God for the Holy Spirit
We are all born sinners, we all deserve death, yet Jesus stepped in and took that punishment by His own death. Jesus then asked God to send us a comforter, advocate, helper, and guide to live in our hearts to help us live closer to Jesus and grow more like Jesus. Thank God that He has given us the Holy Spirit so we can have Jesus living with us always. Pray you will always listen to the guidance He gives.
Day 25- Thank God for your family
We love them, we want to strangle them, yet we cannot live without them. Families knitted together in Jesus can be one of the greatest, strongest, and happiest bunch. Families are there to support, love, help each other, have each other’s backs, and help get us through all of our days, good and bad. Thank God for your family even when they disappoint or are difficult.
Day 26- Thank God for His help
If you are troubled, depressed, full of anxiety, lost hope, God sees you right where you are. When you've reached the end of your rope, look up to meet God and hear Him whispering, “Do not fear, I will help you.” Trust God that He is faithful, and He is able, and He will give you strength in your times of need. Thank God for His promise that He will walk with you and is an ever-present help.
Day 27- Thank God for our world
As things seem to be falling apart around us, and chaos, violence, and tragedy seem to have become a norm. We can still praise God for His masterpiece and His creation of this world. Plants, animals, the sea, the sky all tell of the wonders God has created and how He is still in control. Thank God for the perfect order of day and night, seasons, and life. Pray you can see past the crazy and be more mindful of the handiwork of God's hands.
Day 28- Thank God for His protection
Speaking of a world in chaos, thank God that He keeps you and your family safe as you travel to places, face the world each day, and deal with people. God has promised to always have your back, He is your fortress, your refuge, and your protector. Thank Him for giving you the Godly armor you need to fight the attacks of the enemy. Thank Him for clothing you in His love and protection.
Day 29- Thank God for creature comforts
We like our comforts, we've grown accustomed to running water, electricity, technology. Thank God today for those amenities of comfort. Thank Him for not only providing for our essential needs but giving us the nonessential comforts too that can make our days easier and more comfortable.
Day 30- Thank God for how the story ends
With everything happening around us it may feel like the enemy is winning. Yet we know the truth and the Bible confirms it when we take time to study God's word. Jesus said, “Take heart, I have overcome this world!” When all is said and done God will prevail. There will come a day when there is no more sorrow, pain, or suffering and all wrongs will be made right. Thank God for the promise He gives that the day will come when He will wipe away all your tears and fill your heart with everlasting joy. Thank God there will be a day when you will see Him face to face and live eternally with your loved ones. Thank Him for the promise of salvation where sin will never rule again, and we will be free. Oh, what a beautiful day we have to look forward too!
Let's read three more Bible verses on thankfulness as we continue through our month of Thanksgiving.
Colossians 3:17 NIV "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Colossians 4:2 NIV "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."
Hebrews12:28 NIV "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,"
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