2 Corinthians 1:7 NKJV “And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation.”

Anyone who has ever owned pottery or china, knows how delicate they are. How easily they can break. Sometimes though if you’re lucky and something has broken without shattering, you just might be able to put it back together with some super glue. It will never be like it was before it broke, but it still can be used for its original purpose.
Looking at chipped pieces of broken pottery or china that has been glued back together serves as a reminder to me. I have been broken and now have scars, but I have been healed by the grace of God and can still stand strong after coming through difficult times. Those fixed pieces remind me how the Lord pieced me back together and how I can help others during their times of brokenness and trials.
In 2 Corinthians 1:3, Paul praised God calling Him the Father of all comfort. Verse 4 continues to say that God will comfort us when we have troubles so when others have troubles, we can comfort them.
Jesus too was broken and although He has risen from the grave, He still carries the scars of the cross. Reflecting on Christ’s suffering we can be inspired to continue on in the midst of our own pain, knowing God will use those experiences to strengthen us.
Everyone will suffer in some way in this world because of sin and we will become broken at some point in life. But we can find the strength to persevere because God has the “super glue” to piece us back together. There will be scars but when we trust God to use us for the purpose He created us with, our own talents, we will be a great comfort and witness to those around us.
Today you may feel a little chipped maybe even broken. Turn to God our great Healer and let Him fix you. He has all the right pieces that fit each of our lives and each of us is important and special to Him.
Like your favorite china or special pottery, you will do everything you can to fix any broken pieces before throwing it away. We are God’s favorite and He will help fix us before ever considering throwing us away. We are His creation, and all have a purpose in this life. Give you broken pieces to God today and let Him take care of you.
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