Malachi 3:17 “They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”
Isaiah 62:3 “You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem
in the hand of your God.”

Did you know that sometimes it takes a little pressure to get beautiful results? For instance, God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls, and coal into diamonds. He accomplishes this through time and a little pressure.
We may not be a beautiful butterfly, a string of pearls or a shiny diamond but I believe we are put under pressure at times as God works on our hearts to become his precious jewels. Those who will accomplish big things to advance of His second coming.
Since Bible times God’s people have faced pressures that felt like the weight of the world was on their shoulders. Moses having to face Pharaoh, the man who raised him that he turned his back on so he could free God’s people. David just a shepherd boy who God chose to rule a nation. Daniel having to interpret the kings dream or it would cost the life of all the advisors. Esther a simple village woman who became queen and then was there to save her people. The apostles who set out to teach the world about Jesus. If anyone knew pressure they certainly did. But they endured through it with God’s help, because remember, God promises He will be by our side helping when we trust in Him, Isaiah 41:10.
These pressures helped test their character and allowed their hearts to grow closer to God and shine all the more as God’s people, God’s jewels. Nothing happened overnight but it was their relationship over time with God, that helped them succeed under pressure.
Do you ever feel like you’re trapped in a cocoon or being swirled around in constantly shifting sand, maybe even pounded on like coal? Every day we face challenges, difficult people or our children, times we feel pulled in every direction. Then for some brief moments we may feel the calm stillness before another storm begins. There may be times you might feel pressure to be that “good” Christian or when you are walking closer with God arrows are flying at you to discourage you.
These are the moments God is busy refining your character for the kingdom. Each pressure we make it though chips away a little more of this world and shows the precious jewel God has designed. And in His time with the right amount of pressure, He will help your character to shine like a diamond. Like our Bible friends we need to trust God will be by our side through the pressures, Isaiah 43:2, and believe we are special to God and have a big part in furthering His plan of salvation. Big or small, anything you do to share Jesus, from a smile or a kind word to preaching and praying, your character is shining bright for Jesus. We all can take a little pressure when God’s on our side.
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