"So encourage each other and give each other strength. Just as you are doing now. Now, brothers and sisters, we ask you to appreciate those who work hard among you, who lead you in the Lord and teach you. Respect them with a very special love because of the work they do. Live in peace with each other….Encourage the people who are afraid. Hep those who are weak. Be patient with everyone …..Always try to do what is good for each other and for all people.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

Everyone works hard at what they do to the best of their capability and it’s no one’s place to say otherwise because God has given each of us a talent no other shares. But a person is only as good as they feel they are being appreciated. Nothing feels worse then the lack of encouragement from your boss, your coworkers, even your family.
There are also those who have a gift from God who lack confidence in their ability. We need to keep encouraging them with kind words and actions. We need to help share their capabilities with others. Let them know that the first step is showing others what you can do.
We need to live at peace with everyone and that comes with patience. When a person is aggravating, don’t snap at them but smile as they talk, nod in acknowledgement and then go about your business. If you feel like gossiping about them don’t. Instead use a word or two that could build them up to others. And do not seek wrong for wrong. If someone hurts you let it go and try to do good for them. The Lord will judge everyone in the end, let your judgement be because you were an encouragement to others not a nay sayer.
Remember you are only as good at your talents or capabilities as you can be when you give 100%. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, only encourage everyone to do their best. And when you can, build others up don’t tear them down.