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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

Don't Let Satan Condemn You

Control yourselves and be careful! The devil, your enemy, goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat. Refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith. You know that your Christian family all over the world is having the same kinds of suffering.” -1 Peter 5:8-9

“I have failed in the past therefore am no longer worthy to be called God’s child.”

Have you ever felt that way? Do you sometimes feel that no matter how hard you try daily you still fail God and aren’t worthy? I know I struggle at times, especially when I read about Noah, Daniel, Esther and so many other Bible characters whose faith never seemed to falter. I feel I fail at my worship, prayer, even devotional life so how could I be worthy to be a child of God in His kingdom. When I have doubts I wonder if I’m yet again failing God.

I struggle yes, but I have found hope, I’ve found strength in the Bible. 1 Peter clearly tells us that Satan is behind these feelings, these doubts. Just like a lion sneaks around looking for his next meal, Satan is always on the prowl trying to fill our heads with anything that will tear us away from God. No matter our past or where we’re at now, God accepts us and as long as we continue to keep Him in our lives, He will take care of us. When we’ve asked forgiveness He immediately forgives and forgets. When we fall, He is right there to help us back up and carry us if need be. We aren’t called to be like those who walked before us in the Bible, we are called to be who we are where we’re at and to let God use us the way that is best for us. All we have to do is realize we all are the same, we all will have to fight off Satan, but we just are asked to do one thing. Stand strong in our faith in God, he will help us through the rest. When you feel condemned remember to say, “Get thee behind me Satan my God is more powerful then you and I choose Him.”

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3 commentaires

This is really beautiful. Perfect for this Easter season.


14 avr. 2019

You are so right! I’ve felt unworthy of God’s love all my life, comparing myself to “better” Christians and always falling short. It took me many years to realize that was satan’s way of getting to me. Thank you for posting this.


Amen. This is a good reminder to stand firm on the word of God and to know God's truth!. The enemy can very sneakily whisper lies in our ear and persuade us to believe them.

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