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Dwelling Place of God

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Revelation 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you, and you will eat with me.”

Imagine your life like a house with many rooms. Each room represents a different aspect of your life. Some of the rooms are messed up, others are clean and tidy. Then there are the doors that stay locked, and you don't want to let anyone in to see. Take a moment to sort through those rooms in your mind.

There is a story of a religious teacher who asked his students an obvious question. “Where is the dwelling place of God?”

The students chuckled at such a simple question. “Is not the whole world full of his glory?” They answered.

A nurse at a children's wing liked to let the children listen to their hearts with her stethoscope. One day as she put the stethoscope to a little boy's ear she asked, “can you hear that? What do you suppose that is?”

The little boy paused, then got a huge grin on his face. “Is that Jesus knocking?”

How the Bible students were right. Jesus’ glory is found all over our world. The trees that grow, flowers that bloom. Animals and nature speak of God's wonderful creation. The sun, moon, and the stars show His excellence. The air we breathe, the seasons, the winds, and the waters. When we take the time to look around us, beyond what man has made, yes God exists in this world. Yet the students still missed one important point of where God dwells.

The little boy on the other hand in his innocence, showed more wisdom than the Bible students. With trusting faith, he believed Jesus was knocking on his heart's door.

You see, although we can fully see God's glory around us, and I believe He does dwell in this world through His creation, the truth is that God dwells wherever man lets Him in.

Remember your house full of rooms that represent aspects of your life? It's easy to invite Jesus into the clean rooms. You have no problem staying there and talking to him, sharing all the good with Him. It's like when you have houseguests, you stay and chat in the cleanest part of your house.

Then there are the messy rooms, maybe parts of your life that are a little hectic, maybe some things you've been working on to get out of your life or at least straighten up more. You might allow Jesus in there, apologizing about the mess the entire time. You've probably done that in your own home when guests come over and while apologizing, you're picking up the mess.

Now what about those locked doors? Secrets about your life you don't want anyone to see or know about. Maybe a past you want to keep hidden, afraid of how others will judge you. These are the rooms you pass by when friends are visiting, telling them nothing of interest is in there. These rooms you don't allow Jesus to enter.

We forget that Jesus has already seen behind those locked doors. He knows all about your past, good and bad, He knows the secrets you want to hide. Yet He still loves you and is still at the door of your heart knocking, wanting to come in and dwell with you. We forget Jesus is the light of the world and wherever He dwells the rooms that are dark and frightening are filled with His light, love, mercy, forgiveness and understanding.

Yes, when we take the time to appreciate God's creation, we can and will see Jesus. As much as you enjoy when friends come into your home to visit, how much sweeter will it be to have Jesus dwelling in your heart. What He can share with you, the peace and comfort He gives. Having Jesus dwell in our hearts, every aspect of our lives, can get us through each day as the world in sin throws its darts at us.

Jesus will never force Himself into your life. He will wait for the invitation. He will also never give up and will keep knocking, patiently waiting for you to let Him in. Once you do, you'll find a happiness and peace this world will never give, and those locked rooms will have vanished.

Following are lyrics to a song I have come to appreciate that speaks so much truth of having Jesus in our lives. If you like there is a link to hear the song too.

The Savior is Waiting

The Savior is waiting to enter your heart,

Why don't you let Him come in?

There's nothing in this world to keep you apart,

What is your answer to Him?

Time after time He has waited before,

And now He is waiting again

To see if you're willing to open the door:

O how He wants to come in.

If you'll take one step toward the Savior, my friend,

You'll find His arms open wide.

Receive Him, and all of your darkness will end,

Within your heart He'll abide.

Time after time He has waited before,

And now He is waiting again

To see if you're willing to open the door:

O how He wants to come in.

One of the things I have tried to do through my blogs is show ways we can dig deeper in the Bible without feeling like we have to spend hours in study. The Bible is full of short verses and chapters we can glean so much from and just a few minutes in a day of study can help our lives in many ways. If you have been following me we have been reading through Galatians and there is always a short study I provide that can help you with your reading with ideas to see the chapters in a new light. If you have just been reading the verses as we have been going along and have been blessed, great! Keep it up! There is no right or wrong way of reading God's Word, it's just simply taking the extra few minutes to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and open your mind to many new and wonderful things. Today we will continue through Galatians 5:1-15

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you'd like take a few more minutes to look around or click on my other links, God bless.

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