“And after you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever.” -1 Peter 5:10
Getting sick or hurt, becoming diagnosed with cancer or an auto immune disease even leukemia. A back injury that prevents you from working or an injury where you have to keep working and grin and bear through the pain. There is a certain amount of pain that comes from circumstances that change our lives completely. Some more physical others emotional. At these times it’s difficult to praise God for His goodness and becoming discouraged and disheartened is easy to do. It can feel hopeless at times and maybe you can feel your life is over or the hurt will never heal. In those times it’s hard to keep trusting the God who said He will never forsake you and He would protect you.
It is in those moments we need to cling more tightly to God, find our strength in Him and remember He is with us and has never left us, His presence is still with us. He has limitless power and sustaining grace and we will not have to fight alone.
I’m reminded of a few people in the Bible who had to trust God even if….
Even if it cost him everything including his life, Job remained faithful to God trusting Him even when everyone told him to doubt God, and God blessed him with double portion of what he had before.
Even if they were thrown in the fiery furnace, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego wouldn’t bow to Nebuchadnezzar s idol and God stood with them.
Even if Daniel lost his life to lions for praying to God, he still prayed, and God sent an angel.
Even if it cost her, her life, Esther went to the King to protect her people and God protected her and saved many of her people.
David fought a giant for God even if it killed him and eventually, he became king.
Throughout the Bible we find those who had to trust God even if…. and through history we still see it happening. From the beginning, God has promised to be here for us. He remains through every trial no matter how destructive they could be.
Even if our circumstances don’t change while on this earth, we can find hope and strength in God because He is mighty, trustworthy and good. He knows our beginning and our end, and He will be here through it all offering His shoulder and arms for strength, tears and comfort.
Sin came at a cost for us all in the garden and as long as Satan has the freedom to roam this earth those painful circumstances could come to anyone one of us. And because God is a God of love and not a dictator, He has had to allow some of the pain to come into all our lives not because He wants to hurt us but because we live in a sin filled world where Satan lives to destroy us and turn us away from God. It is our free will now to trust God and choose God in complete faith to see us through all circumstances good or bad. The good news is that no matter what comes our way, God has provided a way out through Him when we just remain solid in our beliefs.
So, even if the worst happens, trust God in all circumstances. Rely on Him and His comforting presence. Believe with all your heart He will never leave you nor abandon you. Through it all He will stay by your side if you allow Him in.
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