“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
-Romans 8:31

My family has lived more out of the city since my kids were little and the one thing we have always had around us, have been trees. Trees have always amazed me throughout the year. I love watching them go through their changes through each season and I love looking at them when we take our walks. Each unique and each their own height. Sometimes when walking I am amazed at some of their heights as they can be very tall to me who is just under 5’4”.
When I look up at the height of these trees, I imagine what it would be like looking up at some of the men and women in the Bible before the flood. Imagine how tall Adam and Eve really were, they were created in God’s image and although the Bible doesn’t specifically say how tall they were I can imagine they were quite tall, (do your own research and see what you can find, I did find one place in Patriarch and Prophets page 4 written by Ellen G. White what she was shown about their height).
But we do know from the Bible that Goliath was a giant compared to many of the men in that time and that was many years after the flood. 1 Samuel 17:4 tells us he was six cubits and a span which interprets to 9’4”. I can only imagine how David felt standing up to him, probably like I feel walking by all our tall trees. Yet David was not afraid to face that giant. Why?
Our worldwide church has a club for all our youth called Pathfinders and every 5 years they come together from all over the world in Oshkosh, WI for a week of fun and a great Bible experience. Each time they spend the week learning more about a Bible character and this week happens to be about David. Each night a play is put on telling the story of this character and last night was about David and Goliath.
I learned something watching the play last night about facing our giants. Goliath was a giant and strong and could have easily wiped out the Israelite army in one full swoop but instead he spent over 40 days taunting them and mocking God and again I ask why? Because Goliath knew of God and how over the years, He had helped the Israelite's defeat army after army, some armies who even outnumbered their army. Goliath knew the only way to defeat this army now was to break their spirits first, cause their army to lose their faith in God who had always led in every battle they had won. So, he spent his time mocking God and their army slowly breaking them down.
But David couldn’t be broken, his faith couldn’t be shaken, he knew he served a mighty God who had helped him defeat mighty animals while tending his sheep. He believed God would again move mountains as long as he stood up for God and his faith. Some might say it was foolish to face the giant alone, but David knew he would never be alone with God on his side. And we know the story well, with one stone in a sling David stood up to Goliath and said, “You come at me with a sword and spears but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel,”
And we know how this story ends, victory for David because he believed and had faith in God’s power to defeat even a giant.
We may not be facing a literal giant as Goliath today in an army, but we are facing many giants in our lives. And the devil is the one who has put them there, he is wanting to defeat you in every way taking you out of the Lord’s army. He doesn’t even have to come at you with sword and spears. He, like Goliath, will use his words to taunt you and break your spirit. He will use whatever means to help you lose your faith in God. Have you felt defeated over things already? Do you at times feel you’re in a battle you’ll never win?
We all need to remember we serve a mighty God. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” -1 John 4:4 “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” -Romans 8:37
We are facing spiritual giants daily, but we don’t need to be afraid of those giants, those giants need to afraid of us because we know God will do what He says He will do. We can face each day and each giant with the full confidence David had knowing God will help us win the battle.
When I look at those tall trees, I am reminded how great and mighty God is. I may be small to the trees, but my God is a giant to those trees and now matter the battle I face I will put on my armor of God and I will face them knowing with God, I will overcome them. I will not be defeated by the devil’s taunts because I know that is all he has to come at me when I have God next to me.
Face your giants no matter how they come to you and tell them that you have the Lord Almighty on your side and watch those giants tremble. Matthew 19:26- “With God ALL things are possible”
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