"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse," -Romans 1:20

Is there somewhere that you like to visit, where you could take hundreds of pictures just to capture its beauty? When I lived in Colorado, I loved looking out our bay windows and seeing the mountains. Or walking the trails in the mountains, they were always ruggedly beautiful. As an adult I take in the beauty all the more, when we go back to visit. Here in Michigan my family loves our trips to the Upper Peninsula in the summer because of its untouched beauty in nature. How about where you live, a lake, the woods, mountains? God truly created an awe-inspiring universe.
But God didn’t just stop making things only pleasing to the eye, at creation. Genesis 2:9 adds trees that also are good for food. When I taught the small children in our church, we designed our programs with the goal of teaching Jesus to them in a way that they would understand the best. We taught Jesus through things they could see, touch, hear, smell and sometimes taste. Animals, springtime, gardening, the farm, the ocean and so many other ways, the little ones learned about Jesus and this universe in a way they could understand.
I read this statement, “The God of the universe is not only practical, but He wants us to enjoy the sources of His provisions, making them ‘pleasing to the eye, sweet to the taste, fragrant to the smell, interesting to the touch, melodic to the ear’.” -Bible Love Notes
Pleasing to the eye. Overlooking a lake surrounded by trees, snow capped mountains, rays of sunshine over a field, the rainbow after a storm. All pleasing to see but can also do our minds good, for relaxation or rejuvenation or just to find peace.
Sweet to the taste. A delicious apple or sweet cherries. Fresh vegetables or steamed corn on the cob. Crunchy nuts or a tall glass of water. Yummy and good for our bodies. There are so many fruits and vegetables that are good for different parts of our bodies that can help strengthen us and give us the right nutrients and God set that up at creation.
Fragrant to the smell. There is nothing that can come close to the smell of sweet lilac in the spring or the scent of roses growing around you. Nothing more potent then dill weed or rosemary as you grow your herbs in your garden. Plants, trees, flowers, all pleasing to smell but also practical to use. Healing, cooking, as well as for smell. Created by God for us to enjoy yet also good for us.
Interesting to the touch. An animal pelt, a soft fluffy kitty, sand between the toes, the cool breeze of the wind or drops of water on a warm day. The hands of a loved one or the cuddle of a baby. All different in texture and some very interesting but many things we touch can bring calmness, be relaxing to our hearts, bring peace to the restless heart, bring joy or even laughter. Pleasing and practical since creation. Hugs are the best touch and I can’t wait to get to heaven and feel a hug from Jesus and my loved ones that have passed.
Melodic to the ear. Birds come to my mind first and foremost. With living further out of the cities I have a chance to hear our birds more clearly throughout the day. Never is there only one sound by many different chirps depending on the time of day. What about music or even conversations with loved ones or friends. Like sight and touch, God uses music not only to be pleasing but to bring so much to our souls that can be uplifting and at times bring healing.
Looking past the things this world has created and watching nature I will continue to always be amazed at something new that I can discover about the awe-inspiring, beauty creating, multi-purposing God I follow and serve. Even at my age I’m still learning and growing and finding joy in discovering more of God’s awesome universe. Look beyond just the practicality of creation and find deeper meaning God used in designing His world. Remember to thank the Lord for thinking outside the box and taking care of us daily.
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