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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

Guest Blog Share: The Battleground

I would like to say a special welcome to my guest blogger today, Precious. It is always wonderful to meet new fellow Christian believers who share the same passion I have for sharing Jesus with others with our thoughts and inspirations. Living in a world of social media, today's blog spoke to me as how we as Christians ever need to be mindful of what we do each day and what we allow in our thoughts and minds that pull us away from our Lord. Thank you Precious for sharing with us. If you want to see more of Precious' love of Jesus please follow her here.

You would not believe what happened this morning the moment I woke up. There was a battle going on right in my room, under my nose. You may not understand this as I pen this down neither was it funny to me; it was indeed a tough battle. A battle between my mind and my spirit man

“Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” -Mathew 26:41

Now, follow me gradually as we proceed. Each morning you wake up begins several battles and no this is not a matter of being over spiritual though I would not mind being called over spiritual after all I am a spiritual being.

“The devil is a liar. Jesus called him the father of lies and of all that is false.”-John 8:44

The devil lies to you and me, he tells us things about ourselves, about other people and about circumstances that are just not true. He does not, however, tell us the entire lie all at one time. Always begins by bombarding our mind with a cleverly devised pattern of little nagging thoughts, suspicions, doubts, fears, wondering, reasoning and theories. Then moves slowly and cautiously (after all, well-laid plans take time). Remember, he has a strategy for his warfare. Devil has studied us for a long time.


I spent a lot of unhappy days because I started thinking about all the wrong things the minute, I awoke each morning. Right now, I can truly say that I have been fully satisfied since the Holy Spirit has helped me operate out of the mind of Christ (the mind of the Spirit) that is within me. Fellowshipping with God early in the morning is one sure way to begin enjoying life.

The devil knows what we like and what we don’t like, He knows our insecurities, our weaknesses and our fears and what bothers us most. He is willing to invest any amount of time it takes to defeat us. One of the devil’s strong points is patience.

The moment you wake up, believe it or not the first enemy you see is your phone. You know why? Your phone alarm clock probably woke you up and is lying close to you. Most of us always sleep with our phones close to us or even in our hands despite the medical warnings of radioactive rays and all worth

The moment you take your phone up in your hand either to turn off the blaring alarm or use it as torch light because of power failure, the battle begins. Several questions pop up in your head, a lot of considerations to press the phone or not to scroll through Instagram for your favorite comedian’s new videos or favorite Instagram celebrity. Previous whatsapp messages all lined up on your screen. That pop up notification is the devil, right?

You then remember your last Facebook post and you cannot resist the temptation to probably check for comments and replies. Thankfully the phone is even a trivial matter that could be handled through discipline and self-control


The real battle is your mind. Our biggest problem is that our minds are always busy, always productive and processing everything and anything.

Couple of times more than normal, I have come across couple of jokes on Instagram and other social media platforms where jokes are being made over the matter of interference of the activities of the mind in the place of prayer or study of the word of God. One of these comedies was so explicit on the dirty thoughts from the previous day that invaded the mind at that time of prayer and she immediately asked God for forgiveness all over again.

Down in the comment section were several comments from angles concurring to her story. So, it was not merely a joke after all but a mutually exclusive event. We are all in this together, though as Christians we may not have dirty thoughts ravaging our mind but that is for the purity conscious Christian.

Personally, I have passed through this struggle myself and still do at times. It takes me even one or two minutes to return back after I must have thought of clients and business opportunities or even the last conversation I had. Funny enough my business instincts are already calculating the currency I would make

So, you see? You are not alone but we must find a way to curtail this battle and focus more on God during this crisis


1. The major thing that actually played a major role in my thought and concentration life was worship. Yes, worship and by that, I mean deep worship of love and passion for the lord not just mere lip service. Believe me, I get so lost professing my love for my lover that I am soon drowned and soaked in him. I begin to wander in the realms of the spirit and the heavens. Soon enough tears well up within me followed by an outburst. Tell me how you would think of other businesses. Absolutely impossible for a heart totally sold out to God.

2. Use your weapon of prayer. Satan uses depression to drag millions into the pit of darkness and despair. Suicide is often the result of depression. A suicidal person is usually one who has become so negative that he sees absolutely no hope for the future. The mind is the battlefield, the place where the battle is won or lost. Choose today to be positive, casting down every negative imagination and bringing your thoughts into the obedience of Jesus Christ. (Joyce Meyer Battlefield of the mind.)

3. Be God minded-fellowship with him continually and consistently. You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on you, because he commits himself to you, leans on you, and hopes confidently in you. Isaiah 26:3

Jesus had a continual fellowship with His heavenly Father. It is impossible to have full fellowship with anyone without having your mind on that individual. If my best friend and I are in the car together, and she is talking to me, but I have my mind on something else, we are not really fellowshipping because I am not giving him my full attention. Therefore, I believe we can safely say that the thoughts of a person functioning in the mind of Christ would be on God and on all His mighty work.

If I do not go away, the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you [into close fellowship with you]; but if I go away, I will send Him to you [to be in close fellowship with you]. John 16:7

These words were spoken by Jesus just before He departed into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father in glory. It is obvious from this Scripture that it is God’s will that we be in close fellowship with Him.

Nothing is closer to us than our own thoughts. Therefore, if we will fill our mind with the Lord, it will bring Him into our consciousness, and we will begin to enjoy a fellowship with Him that will bring joy, peace and victory to our everyday life.

Mediate on God

The psalmist David spoke frequently about meditating on God, His goodness and His works and ways. It is tremendously uplifting to think on the goodness of God and all the marvelous works of His hands.

“And my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips. When I remember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the night watches.” -Psalm 63:5, 6

I enjoy watching television shows about nature, animals, ocean life, etc., because they depict the greatness, the awesomeness of God, His infinite creativity and how He is upholding all things by the might of His power. Meditating on God and His ways and works will need to become a regular part of your thought life if you want to experience victory.

One of my favorite verses of Scripture is Psalm 17:15 in which the psalmist says of the Lord, I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake to find myself beholding your form and having sweet communion with you.

Be righteousness conscious not sin conscious

For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness]. 2 Corinthians 5:21


How much time do you waste living under guilt and condemnation? Notice I said how much time you waste, because that is exactly what all that kind of thinking is, a waste of time!

Don’t think about how terrible you were before you came to Christ. Instead, think about how God has made you his righteousness. Remember: thoughts turn into actions. If you ever want to behave any better, you have to change your thinking first. Keep thinking about how terrible you are, and you will only act worse. Every time a negative, condemning thought comes to your mind, remind yourself that God loves you. He has made you his righteousness.

You are changing for the better all the time. Every day you’re growing spiritually. God has a glorious plan for your life. These are the truths you must think on.

Do this with your mind! Think deliberately according to the Word of God; don’t just think whatever falls into your head, receiving it as your own thought.

Read Joyce Meyer’s battlefield of the mind for more insights. I really love that book.

Let's learn a little more about Precious:

My name is Precious Jewel Oli and I am a Nigerian.

A lot simpler summary of me would be a God chaser, Minister, Writer and entrepreneur

I absolutely love cooking (edible and spiritual foods) so most times you might meet me with a jotter and a Biro, some good music or sermon is an addition or better yet tucked under my blanket at my leisure times.

The precious jewel blog was created to provide support and encouragement for the Christian woman (especially single Christian women) who would choose to stand on the front line for the Lord.

I have always longed for a platform where I can connect with fellow ladies and talk prayerfully about those uncomfortable, shameful, controversial yet important areas and pasts that affect us. These include growing our relationships, marriage matters, making the most of our singleness, building faith, loving even when it’s hard, accepting who we are, dealing with envy, and learning to forgive.

Helping you on your Christian journey through scriptural insight, prayers, affirmations, devotionals and developing meaningful relationships.

I pray that the good Lord will help us become true women on the front line and dwell richly in the knowledge of him. Amen.

Precious xoxo

Again please show some support and visit her page and stay a while and see how God has encouraged her to share His love and grace.

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May 18, 2019

Thank you for having me. I really do appreciate.

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