John 11:25-26 “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Whoever penned the phrase “In the blink of an eye”, was very wise. Think about how many times you yourself have used the phrase. You blink and could miss something on T.V. or miss something in a game you’re playing. You blink and miss something in nature as you walk or drive. Or one of parent’s favorites, you blink, and your kids are all grown up.
This is very relatable in my life right now. The other night my hubby and I were looking through our family photo albums from the time my oldest was born and we sat back wondering where the time had gone. We blinked and now have two adult children and our youngest is almost done with high school.
Although blinking takes only a second the metaphor speaks volumes. Things can happen or change as quickly as blinking does, in a second. For instance, in March, due to covid-19, one day everything was running like a typical day and with one blink the world goes into stay at home orders. Schools close, businesses on hold and life at a standstill. Even today things are changing quickly and sometimes even hourly. This weekend has also been eye opening for me as if I’m in a movie. One act of violence has led to a weekend of protesting, riots, looting and more violence. In a matter of 24 hours peaceful towns and businesses have been disrupted, some even turned into what looks like war zones. We blink and life around us has again changed.
Many have said that all of this happening around us is just the Lord saying, He is coming. Although I fully believe God’s promise of a return, I don’t think that this is the time just yet. Scripture says we won’t know the time or hour of Jesus’ return and by saying now is the time we are saying we know. With that being said, scripture has also said we will see signs leading up to His coming and I believe we are seeing those signs starting. This is helping Christians see what is to come and God is preparing us for the time all of this will be happening tenfold. This is a testing time for all people and especially Christians to see where our hearts are. Getting angry at governmental leaders, protests, marches, even rioting. These are showing hearts not in unison with God or hearts not fully trusting God’s hand in all situations. We will all face frustrations but it’s how we deal with those frustrations that shows our character.
What is happening now has brought to life scripture, where the Lord says He will come in the blink of an eye. Things around us will happen quickly and when our eyes are not fixed on Jesus and our character not aligned with Him, we will miss the “boat” and fall in with those filled with anger and violence. Don’t think it could happen to you? Many of those people involved didn’t plan on it happening to them when they woke up that morning either, but the tide pulls us with it.
Now is the time to hold fast to Jesus. Study, learn, hide Gods Word in our hearts. Make time for prayer and build your relationship with Jesus. So, when the mobs grow bigger and the hate fills the streets, we won’t want to join in, like the masses who called for Jesus’ death on the cross. Let’s come together as the Christians Christ asked us to be and lead by the same example Jesus showed when He came to show us God and God’s love and plan for us all. Like your family that keeps growing up in front of your eyes when you blink, Jesus will be coming back. Will you be ready, or will you be so caught up in this world that you blink and miss Him? Today, claim Jesus. Today, put aside anger and frustrations. Today take up your cross and follow Him.
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