O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD, Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1

As spring begins to settle in and we throw open our windows, we begin to hear the melodies of the birds more clearly. It’s a beautiful sound and so relaxing to hear all the different chirps and songs. Some high, some low, same fast, some slow. And if you’re a bird enthusiast, you probably can tell what kind of bird it is just by their call. On still quiet days or in the evenings it’s almost like listening to an orchestra of beauty. It’s easy to sit and listen to and find ourselves with a peaceful smile on our face, as we close our eyes and relax to the sounds.
I believe God created the birds to help us all learn a simple lesson. No matter what time of day or whether they’re happy or sad, birds sing. They communicate through song, they’re joyful through song, they are sad through song, they call to others through song, they just sing.
Singing can be contagious and easily take someone out of a bad mood and put them in a good one. Singing can be relaxing and calm raging storms inside us. Singing can be joyful and used to praise God our creator.
One thing I truly miss is our Sabbath evenings with my grandmother. She loved to sing and she loved when her family visited, especially on Sabbaths. One she always wanted was to close the Sabbath hours with songs. We would all sit around in a circle and she would go around the room starting with the youngest and we each picked a song to sing and sang. My grandfather's favorite was Mansion Over the Hilltop and one of her favorites was In The Garden. Singing is a big part of our family heritage and has passed on through most of the generations and when we get together as a whole family we still will sing. My grandparents have passed on and we don't have those special moments anymore but there I times I hear songs and I can hear her singing sometimes off key but always with a heart of praise to God.
So, like the birds do, just sing. Sing in the shower, sing in the car, sing while around your home relaxing. Sing with your kids, silly songs, Bible songs, sing well known songs, sing praises to Jesus. Just sing!
I recently heard a song that brought a smile to my face. It’s called ‘Sing to Jesus’ by Fernando Ortega.
‘Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts. He is our great redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, honor His name
Sing to Jesus, He is the throne
Now and forever, He is the king of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own
Now and forever, sing for the love
Our God has shown.’
So, let’s be like the birds and sing today and always.
Let's continue our study through James as we turn to James 1:17-27. Again I am leaving the Blue Jean Faith study here to follow along. If you still are working on the first two that's okay, these can be printed and worked on at your own pace. Also if you would like I am willing to open up any discussions about the study, just send me an email to the address listed or contact me through my other sites listed. Together we can learn more about Jesus and grow with Jesus.
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