" Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." -Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

In a world where everything is at our fingertips and can be gotten instantly, do you ever long for a little simplicity again?
Having three children within five years of each other I have watched technology progressing and getting more and more advanced and children more and more lost in their electronics. When my oldest was 12 she enjoyed playing with friends, being outside, and even though she was bored once in a while, she and her brother stayed entertained outside and inside.
But in a matter of five years, when my youngest turned 12, the world was vastly different. Kids now have smart phones, tablets, Ipods, laptops, and so much more. They can take pictures, listen to music, play games, and chat with friends all from the touch of their electronics. Instead of enjoying the outside they are found buried in their phones hiding out. (Fortunately, my youngest will still go outside with us but is still on her phone much more than I like).
And it’s not even the children anymore. With smart phones becoming the forefront of technology we also lose many adults to their phones. Bills can now be viewed and paid on the phone, not only through the internet but now with a special tool that can read credit cards too. Emails can be read, google searching, movies watched, books read, even writing like I am now from my laptop. Even we as adults get lost in games (I have to raise my hand too, as I enjoy games on my phone).
Although it is great to have the convenience and the games are fun, the advancement of technology is helping our generation lose valuable lessons and have ruined friendships and relationships. For starters texting is great and easy to have a conversation but so much can be misread without the proper punctuation or the proper expressions one sees on someone else’s face as they talk or hear in the voice. And on that note spelling might as well go out the door as everything is abbreviated. With everything so quick and at the fingertips people have become impatient and are always in a hurry. They have forgotten how to just go with the flow and let God work things out in His time. Family time has become screen time and friend time is connecting from their home to their friend’s home playing an app or game that can link both players without leaving the comfort of your room. Children are becoming more and more secluded and sometimes needed parent interaction is gone. Parents find it easier to just say, ‘go play on your electronics than to actually take the time to sit with their child and listen to them or play with them. Kids as young as four are learning to work their electronic devices better than their parents (now there is definitely something wrong with that). The worst I have seen is that now when people wake up, they immediately go to their electronic device to see what’s new on Facebook or the web or to play their games or see whose already talked to them. This time should be spent with God even if just for 5 minutes, to thank Him for the night's rest and to ask for a blessing on the day.
I am not saying it’s wrong to be a part of society with all its advancements, but I do strongly feel that there needs to be a balance. Times we can put our phones down and walk away without needing it as a pacifier. Times we can go back to a simpler life where families gathered around the table for a game or to talk. Times families went outside to throw a ball around or have a good old-fashioned bonfire making Smore’s and telling silly stories. Time for kids to be kids and just have fun and play with their friends face to face. Time to connect with God again without needing a screen to do it for us. Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine and I too am guilty of being near my electronics to much too and it’s a daily struggle in my home, but I know with God’s help we all can overcome all our struggles. I joke that I would love to see how this world could function if just for one day the satellites went out and we had to live without our phones and other electronics. I think it would be fun to watch today’s generation, who know nothing, but electronics verses us "old folks" who know a thing or two about how to survive on our smarts.
Today let’s all find some simplicity again and even if it’s just an hour get outside, play with your kids, talk with God, just do something that doesn’t involve your electronics. Have a great day!
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