Mark 11:22-24 “So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘be taken up and cast into the sea,’ does not doubt it in his heart but believes what he says is going to happen, it should be granted him. -Mark 11:23
When I was a kid living in Colorado Springs, we were close to the mountains. As a kid this verse always stuck in my mind. We visited the mountains a lot, drove up onto them, walked through the hills. How can a person's faith be so strong they could up and move a mountain if they just believed? I believed in miracles, but the mountains? How?
Of course, now that I'm older and my walk with God is through the eyes of an adult, I know Jesus was again talking in metaphors. There really is no reason to move an actual mountain but we all have mountains in our lives, don't we? We all have faced obstacles or maybe are facing some now. There is more to this verse as we read on, that goes hand in hand with moving mountains.
Mark 11:24 adds, “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they should be granted you.”
When we face obstacles in our lives, they are to help us with our spiritual growth. We need to have faith that God will get us around and or through them. We need to be in open communication with God in prayer as He helps us through them.
God promises us that if we pray in faith and believe, He will answer. Seeing my prayers answered for my family's health, our bills paid each month, lost items found, helps build my faith for when I come across those big mountains.
Think about the Bible stories you know and love. Moses faced the Red Sea with an army hot on his and the Israelites tail and God parted the sea. David faced a giant, Daniel survived the lion's den, Noah had to build an Ark in hope of saving the world. What about the smaller obstacles? The woman and her lost coin, the Shepherd who lost his one sheep, the woman with her last flour and oil. They faced their mountains and obstacles and had faith God would answer and He did.
It's the little answers to prayers that help deepen our walk with Jesus and makes life more meaningful. We know we will face “mountains”, but Jesus has said believe they can be moved, and they will. This is easy to hold on to when we remember God has our life already worked out and that He's fighting our battles.
How about you? Are there “mountains” or obstacles you're facing today? My prayer is that God will help you move those “mountains” so you can grow stronger in Him. Let's face what comes each day and say, “My God is in control so “move that mountain!”
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