"May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” -Psalm 19:14 (NIV)
Getting the perfect shape we want doesn’t always come easy. Some of us diet others exercise, and some do both. No matter how we achieve our goal it takes time and dedication to find our desired shape. Many people even go as far as counting calories and reading each label, so they don’t cheat on their diets or at least can watch closely to learn what is good and not good. By doing this they are setting a direction or goal for their life and most of the time it’s not as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Then there are those who set five-year plans for their life or even a two-year plan. They know what they want to be and have accomplished, and they do what it takes to stay on that plan. These people are the ones who have a harder time with unexpected detours along the way.
All this hard work to shape your body or follow a life plan doesn’t happen overnight and takes a lot of dedication. It takes some research and following guidelines. This is all good but what do people do to spiritually help their lives? Many people don’t give the same dedication and time to the Lord. But the Bible is clear, when we keep God’s word in our hearts our lives will begin to take the proper direction and all else begins to fall into place. We begin to see things as the world sees them and have no desire of it. Instead we increase with God and our life turns out better for it. Read your Bible today and find some new shapes in life.