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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

Resolution or Revolution

2 Corinthians 12:9, “But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you.” So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can live in me.”

The guests have all left, hopefully the Christmas decorations are all down and the kids are back in school, and you are back to work and routines. During the holiday season there is a lot of hustle and bustle going on and it's harder to find those quiet moments for pondering, but now we are into a new year and our minds begin to make plans for the year before us.

When a new year begins there is one word that comes to a lot of the minds: resolutions. So many people look at the new year and lists begin to format in our minds. Read the Bible more, drink more water, and eat less sweets. Make use of that treadmill collecting dust, walk more with my family. Watch less TV and Facebook and get to those hobbies also collecting dust. The list can go on and on and here we are already ten days into the new year, and we haven't been compelled to do one thing on that list. To have a resolution means wanting to resolve to do better, I want to see a change period yet, each time, each year, those lists never make it far into the year.

Instead of resolutions and to have more resolve we need a revolution. We need more of Jesus and the revolution He can make in us. Christ alive in my life, helping me revolt against this world. Jesus can help me overcome my weaknesses and transform me for His purpose and all my plans this new year.

I need Jesus down deep in my fiber to help me and all I do, habits included. He can help me revolt against spending too much time on worldly distractions, in my eating, drinking the sugary stuff rather than water, time on social media and more. When I resolve to do better my flesh is weak and those resolutions go out the door. But with total Jesus-revolution I can overcome those weaknesses.

Resolutions, if kept, may help reform my life. But Christ’s revolutionary power reforms and transforms. When we seek Jesus first, day-by-day, 365 days a year, we will learn to trust that God's grace is sufficient, and our worldly desires will begin to fade.

Do you struggle with eating too much sugar? Have you made a resolution to eat more veggies and less cookies? Although eating healthier is a good idea, we won't overcome the habits unless we allow Jesus to revolutionize our hearts. That begins by digesting more of His Word and spending time with Him. Turn to Jesus more than you turn into McDonald's, run to Jesus more than you run to the pantry. It's only with the power of Jesus we can stop the habits that we resolve to stop this year.

In 2023 let's revolt against the worldly comforts we always seek and run to our Comforter. Let's stop self-medicating with binge shopping or binge TV or social media watching and binge on what our Great Physician offers.

We can make all the resolutions we want throughout the year but unless we receive a transforming revolution from God's power, those resolutions will fade away like they do every year.

This year as we move through January 2023, throw your resolutions away and go to God. Ask Him to lead you to new beginnings in a path that will bring you closer to Him. If you fail, fall, have pains or frustrations simply reach up and take His hand. He has promised to always lead you on a path of righteousness. Exodus 33:14, “The Lord answered, “I myself will go with you, and I will give you victory.”

“Oftentimes the road to a new beginning is wrought with a host of mistakes and defeats. But know that to continue on the path side by side with the Holy Spirit is a victory in itself. Don’t give up on new life. Seek the fullness of God’s goodness with all your might. Allow him to help you, forgive you, and strengthen you along the way. He will be faithful to shepherd you into all his wonderful plans. All you have to do is follow his leadership and enjoy his nearness. May you find comfort and hope in the powerful presence of your loving Father today.”

Proverbs 4:20-22 says, My son, be attentive to my words…for they are life to those who find them… The word “attend” means to pay attention to, give some time to something. To attend to the Word of God is a lot more than just reading; it’s meditating on it.

We need to get into agreement with what God wants us to do because, as the writer of Proverbs says, these words are life! When you need an encouraging word, or you’re in a negative environment, it’s good to know that you can find life (plus healing and health) in God’s Word.

Today let's continue our study through Hebrews 10:11-25

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