" So no weapon that is used against you will defeat you. You will show that those who speak against you are wrong. These are the good things my servants receive. Their victory comes from me,” says the Lord." -Isaiah 54:17
As we come to the end of another year and another decade there are a few questions that have been floating around. In the last year what has been your greatest accomplishment? What are you most proud of? Did you achieve your goals? And in the last decade how have you grown? What have you done? From ten years ago until today how have you changed? Did you fulfill your dreams?
Can you answer these questions? Did you accomplish anything or fulfill your dreams? From ten years ago until today are you happy with how your life has unfolded? How about over the last twelve months? Is where you are today or what you have done, where you wanted to be and set out to do? And one final question. Is your life where you want it to be with God? Why or why not?
Deep thought-provoking questions that always fill our minds this time each year as we ring in a new year. Now comes the next step in ringing in the new year, resolutions. Oh, those fun eight little words, “I resolve to do better this year by…”
Your resolutions could include eating better, losing that extra weight, being a better friend, spending more time reading the Bible or deepening your walk with God. Maybe there are some improvements you want to make in your parenting or your relationships. This is an endless list because everyone has things they want to improve on. So, you set those resolutions in place. Now I only have one question, how many keep their resolutions beyond the first couple months and can say by the end of the year they made their goals that they originally set?
You might hit them on and off over the twelve months, stick to it for a few weeks, forget about it for couple months, try again and the cycle continues or flies out the window completely until it’s time to ring in the new year again. Guess what, I am right there with all of you. I’ve set goals, tell myself I’ll do this or that better than the past and within a week of busyness I’ve forgotten all about it or didn’t find the time to fit it in. I mentally kick myself, tell myself I’ll do it the next week and then in the busyness miss the goals yet again.
So, now I ring in the new year with no resolutions. I have goals in mind but don’t set a time limit on them or any expectations. I just live each day going with the flow and if I find time to get in that walk or eat a little better than before I do. I try to do better as a parent and wife than the day before and if I yell at my kids or get upset with my spouse, I examine how I can avoid the same mistake again and try to do better. I know my walk with God can always be stronger, so each day I do my best to grow my relationship with Him even when I fall short in reading the Bible, having that extra prayer time or finding that time for devotions.
I’ve learned that it is hard to set resolutions and keep them without adjusting your lifestyle and with our lives already so busy with living life, finding that adjustment is going to be difficult and that is why so many resolutions fail. So, instead of ringing in the new year with those grand goals of new changes, why not find small simple ways of just improving by incorporating small changes into your already busy life?
What I love about God is that once we accept Him into our lives, He is with us helping and guiding. He doesn’t ask you to change completely, He understands we are busy with school, work, our homes and our families. He knows we will struggle with time management, so He asks one simple thing from us. Have faith in Him, trust Him and just give Him a few moments a day in prayer and in the Bible. Even if you read one promise a day, say a prayer when you wake up or while driving or cleaning the house. In doing this you have taken a step toward God and He will continue to help you along the way through each day. Your resolutions with Him do not have to be something grand and unattainable it simply should be adding Him into your thoughts and actions.
The new year is just that, new. Our mistakes of the last year can be washed away like the melting snow and we can try again to improve our life. Instead of making resolutions simply don’t repeat the things you did this last year that you wish you could change. Small steps lead to big results. If it’s your diet or weight, start small with little changes in what you eat or park a little further away and walk the extra steps. If it’s relationships, respond different than you have in the past, text or make a call to a friend a little more, setting a time or day each week. As for your walk with God, purposely change what didn’t work in the past and try a different approach. And if you want, ask God to help you with any of these ideas and watch Him help you make it happen.
As you ring in 2020 and answer all the questions about this last year and yourself, be confident that all will work out in your life. No matter the good or bad that will come into your life, always remember God’s got you in His hands and He will help you reach those goals and see you through each trial. The best thing about each day is that God already has it planned for you and when you let Him lead, He will help you with goals, accomplishments and hopes and dreams. He is with you even through the worst of days that sin has brought into each life and He will be there as your strength, your friend, your support and whatever else you need. Simply have faith and trust.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year and may the Lord fill your life with many blessings and good things each day. Even in the trials may you find the hope you need and trust in God that He is with you. D.S. Wells
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