“God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.” -Philippians 1:6

It’s inevitable, one day we all will begin to worry about something. Probably for almost everyone worry sets in about 4th or 5th grade. At that age it usually revolves around our friends and other kids at school. Then around middle school it’s a worry about how we look, who likes who and do I have friends? By high school a kid usually adds of the worry about grades and getting good ones, they begin to worry about the future and collage, jobs, relationships. And by adulthood they’ve learned to worry about life in general like all other adults. Like I said, it happens to everyone. A little worry is good because it helps us stay on track, take care of ourselves and family and keeps us trusting God to take care of our needs.
But when we focus all our time on the worries in life and about our future we lose the point of life. God says in Matthew to only worry about today, today is all you’re guaranteed and tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. Is it healthy to plan our future, yes? We should be looking toward the future and setting goals, but we can’t live in the future at any given moment. Even today, a simple phone call can change the rest of today. When we begin to worry about the future and the stress begins, the worry lines set in and we feel distressed it’s time to SNAP… Stop Now And Pray.
Numerous times throughout the Bible God has promised to be by our side. He has told us He knows our beginning and end and He has promised He has our future under control. It’s time to believe God’s words and let the worry go. Pray God will give you peace of mind and thank Him for the day you have been given today. Let tomorrow or the future come when it comes. No matter if it’s the future or worries for today always remember to SNAP, God’s got it and you in His hands.
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