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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

Show Up, Rise Up, Face the Giant

Psalm 27:1. "The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?"

You've seen it in pictures, maybe even in cartoons or on TV shows. A person is standing somewhere trying to make a choice. The problem is that there is a little devil on one shoulder and an Angel on the other. Each are whispering in the person's ear what choice to make for good or bad.

How true this illustration is for all of us! We have all been in a place of making choices and there are times those choices are difficult because we feel the pull in our minds back and forth. There might not be little men on our shoulders, but you can bet satan is still whispering in your ear and the Holy Spirit is prompting you along with what you know is right. There is no doubt each of our lives are in the middle of a battle for our soul. We know we belong to God, and we choose Him but satan will daily fight to pull you to the world's side.

The battles in our lives are our giants and they come in many forms. Addictions, habits, temptations, distractions, fear, guilt, pain and many more. They are not the same for any of us. Each of us has to face our own giants or choose to cower in fear.

None of us can do it alone or in one simple step. First, we need to recognize our giants. What do you struggle with, what do you feel you are constantly having to choose to stay away from or to say no too? What is holding you back from fully feeling God's presence, goodness, and blessings?

Like David, the first thing we need to do is show up. Although God has promised to go before us and help us fight the battle, we cannot simply hideaway and let what happens happen. We need to decide to go to the battle front and help win. David could have stayed tucked away safely at home, but he wanted to help, he wanted to be part of the battle, to help win.

Next, we need to rise up. When David got to camp, all he found was king Saul’s men hiding and cowering in fear. When David heard Goliath mock God, David knew he needed to do something. When our giants are taking our minds away from God, leading us down a worldly path it's time to rise up and take a stand for Jesus. Refuse to give into satan, show up and fight your battles.

Finally, face your giants. It can be scary, it can be overwhelming, but it can be done. David was just a boy when he faced Goliath and I'm sure he was scared and a little unsure, but he had faith in God and in God's promises. That's the key to facing your giants. Trust in the words of the God you serve. David knew one rock would take care of his giant because he knew the strength of his God! Like David when you face your giants you need to focus on the size of your God not the size of your giant. When you question your ability you question God's ability, the One who not only created you but promised to go with you and protect you.

We've heard it before but it's worth repeating. In any battle a soldier must go in prepared and equipped. How are they equipped? With the right armor. We have also been given the right armor to go into battle against satan, the Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18.

Jesus himself even shows us how to use the armor when He had to face one of His giants. It's important to remember, satan will use his giants to attack us when we are at our weakest. Remember after Jesus was baptized? He went into the desert for 40 days. By the end of His time He was no doubt tired, weak and hungry. Matthew 4:1-11.

This is when satan decided to come and try to turn Jesus to the world. Three times Satan came to Jesus as a tempting giant attacking the weak spots of Jesus. We see Jesus show up, rise up and face His giants with the Armor of God on His lips, “It is written…” Jesus says before saying no and finally He tells satan to take a hike and the battle was won for God that day. We know Jesus had many giants still to face but He chose to trust His Heavenly Father to help Him through each of them.

Satan is gaining ground in this world each day and he is attacking so much harder because he knows his days are numbered. We are his targets and if you haven't already, equip yourself with the Armor of God, show up, rise up, and face your giants. We all can and will overcome them when we trust God's words, His strength, and His promises. Some will be more difficult than others but with God all things are possible.

Today, are you listening to God or Satan? Make a choice and give that angel of darkness a fling and let the Holy Spirit fill you and lead you. God is good all the time and in everything always remember, God's got this, and God's got you.

(Thank you Pastor Todd for you inspirational words to help with ideas for this blog)

Last week we started out study through 1 Corinthians. I hope you were able to find some time to join me as we began to see what new things we could learn. Today we will continue our study with 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.

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