“I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble but be brave! I have defeated the world.” -John 16:33

There is so much sin happening around us daily. From school shootings, people attacking others, there are wars everywhere, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornado's, fires taking out cities. Families are being torn apart from divorce, extended family have a falling out and don’t talk to you anymore. People are getting sick and death surrounds us. At home there are struggles with bills, laundry, children, chores even our spouse. I’m sure there is a lot more that could be added to this list that you know of.
Have you ever just sat back and said, ‘Oh Lord come quickly’? This world has become worse then ten, twenty years ago. It’s not safe for our children and people have lost so much kindness. The sins seem overwhelming, we are all over it, when oh when will it be enough?
We have hope though. Jesus has overcome this world and His death on the cross showed the world, the angels, Satan and his fallen angels that what Jesus said He will do. He said He will come again and take us out of this sinful world and once and for all defeat sin. All the struggles we face, all the pain and fears will be over. Like I have said before, Jesus has overcome, and He will once again. Just open your Bible's and find the simple truths from Jesus, He has said once on the cross "It is finished", and when He comes again He will again say, "It is finished", and it will be finished, He will overcome and our faith will be victorious.
When you feel overwhelmed turn to Jesus. He will keep you safe until the time is ready for Him to return. When the enemy tries to come at you with all his flaming arrows just remember Jesus has overcome this world and there is nothing Satan can do to take that from you. Choose Jesus and see what can happen in your heart and life.
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