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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

The Artist's Hand

1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession. You were chosen to tell about the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

I enjoyed drawing when I was a kid, and by the time I was in 6th grade I had a good handle on it. At that time, I also began to enjoy writing. Over the next few years, I chose the path of writing and have allowed God to help grow this gift since then. When I drew, I loved creating something out of nothing on a page and turning it into my creations, each telling a story.

As my youngest started taking art classes in middle school I began seeing a talent in her when it came to her drawing. She has a very creative side and has begun drawing in her free time. As I watch the blank canvas turn into beautiful pictures with each stroke, I smile. She has drawn and painted on canvases, painted her paddle fan blades with designs and even has begun a mural on her wall. Each one is well thought out, not rushed and all have their own unique qualities.

When I watch artists start their drawings, I look on skeptically. I can't see from the beginning lines how it could form anything. Yet with each new line added, each stroke of the brush the picture becomes clearer and clearer until we can see the entire drawing and smile in awe. You see, we may not know what the end result will be, but the artist does. From their first stroke they already have the picture in mind. They know where to put each mark to bring it together in what will work and won't work to tell the story. It's their masterpiece and they take their time putting great thought and detail into those works of art, to bring out the best and help the picture shine.

Thinking about how my daughter brings her artwork to completion and how an artist works, got me to see God and His creation of us in a new way. We all started as a blank canvas but in God's eyes He already saw our completed selves. The Bible tells us we are the clay and God is our Potter and as He shapes us, His hand never falters. As He shapes us there is wisdom in each line. He smooths out the rough edges and alters our hearts. I may only see the partial parts in my flaws, but God sees my whole self.

He sees the strength that will grow in each trial, each situation I will face. He sees the light inside me that will shine to others when I only see darkness. He sees the joys I will have and the love I will be able to give before I even know it's in me. He sees beyond this life and into my life with Him.

With each stroke He adds more color to my life, patiently waiting for me with each stumble or each moment of doubt. The shades of darkness begin to reveal bright splendor as He reveals His grand design for me and shows me what I’m meant to be. As I grow and take shape in God's hands, He teaches me, He shares with me, He helps me find trust and hope in Him, He shows me my worth to Him.

Then one day I will kneel at His feet and marvel how this one small blank canvas became complete and will see the full love God put into me, the time He took to make sure everything would be perfect.

I know I'm still being shaped and molded, and God is still working on me. I may not see the end or fully know God's purpose for all I go through, and I may not understand or fully see heavens plan, but I trust God's hand and that He will make a masterpiece out of me. Trust your life in the Master's hands, He will see us all through to completion.

Paul says in Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

If I have learned anything over the years I have learned how important God's Word is and why we should be studying it. I am not perfect and every day find myself distracted easily and I don't always read as much as I want or should be in the scriptures. But I have also learned that when I make time to dig into the pages my mind is less distracted with the world and thoughts that can take me away from God. I put these studies together as much for you as for me. To me reading the Bible is important because God's Word can guide us in the right direction in life. It lights the way ahead of us so we can see clearly which way to go. Through every season of life, we can be confident that God is always leading you through His Word. Let's continue with 1 Corinthians 9:1-14.

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