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The Last Word

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

-Matthew 24:35

Thank you

Oh, to have the final word, especially when in a disagreement. To be so precise on what you say that no one can argue your point. Or one of my favorites, “Because I am mom and I say so and that’s it.”

Human nature brings us all to a point in life where we like to have the final say, the last word. To be heard and not argued with. But that is our human characteristic showing through not who God wants us to be. God wants us to work together, talk things through with a mutual agreement. He wants us to listen more than feel the need to have the last word.

I read somewhere the best way to sum up working together is found in 1 Corinthians 12:14, ‘The body of Christ, or the people that are the whole of humanity, are a team. The body is not supported by one person, but by all of us. We are one, we are strongest working together in unity. Teamwork is the key to living in harmony that we can do God’s will’.

-quotes by belsan

So many many years ago Satan tried to have the last word when he stood against God. He convinced a handful to listen to him but the only place it got him was thrown out of heaven, losing all of who he was. Now look at how he tries to deceive us all, hurt us, still have the last word. Do we really want to be like him and keep trying to have the last word?

There will come a time when the last word will be heard though. The last and final word that will end this world of sin and everything Satan daily tries to destroy. A time the last word will bring no more sadness, no more sickness, no more tears. Jesus says when He comes to take us home, “It is finished, I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give free water of life to anyone who is thirsty. Those who win the victory will receive this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.” -Revelation 21:6-7

What an awesome promise! As we daily strive to walk closer with Jesus, become more like Him, fight off the devil, there will be a day when God finally has the last word, ‘It is finished’.

A sad day for Satan and all those who choose to turn away from God, but a joyous day for all who have accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Always remember when that temptation arises to have the “last word”, let it go. That is what Satan wants. God wants unity to help further His will, salvation for all. Let’s be part of the team today, team Jesus and let His words always be the last and final words. He knows us and He knows what is best for us.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13. Let us be full of love towards everyone for God is love and we too should love as He loves us.

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