1 John 4:16 "And so we know the love that God has for us, and we trust that love.
God is love. Those who live in love live in God, and God lives in them."

As we look around tress are hung, decorations go up all over the neighborhoods, carolers begin filling streets singing joyful songs, and everyone begins to stress over the dreaded Christmas shopping. We’ve all been there, especially with young children. It’s now fun to drive up and down the streets looking at all the decorated houses and to see who has the most and best decorations. It’s fun to go to malls and see if we can spot Santa Claus, maybe sit on his lap. Oh, the Christmas season, it truly is a joyful time of year. But there is more to this season.
Let’s not forget the true meaning of the season. After all we see, that as we drive around, churches with their manger scenes, we sing about Jesus’ birth, we even have programs telling the wonderful story of Jesus and how He came for us. And why not? This is the reason for the season, it’s the time to share the story. In His love for us God sent His Son to our world to live among us, to live like us, to teach us.
The Nativity is a story of faith. It’s a story of hardship and sacrifice, of long journeys and years waiting.
Mary, Joseph, and many others followed God through long, difficult days. Because they were faithful, they saw Him and rejoiced in Him and became part of His timeless story.
Mary and Joseph hold a great secret in their hearts. Mary is carrying a child, not just any child but God’s promised promise, God’s special son. As the angel told her, she shall call Him Jesus.
And so, we find the story we all know so well one cold night. Mary, and Joseph, are on their way to Bethlehem. After traveling 80 miles, no doubt exhausted and frightened, far from family and home we see God’s promise fulfilled. He did come, not heralded by royal trumpets and horns, and not surrounded by wealth or power, but simply and humbly; born to loving parents and placed in a manger among the gentlest of God’s creatures. Born in a barn with the warmth of the animals and the smell of cattle feed and straw, our Savior has come.
Can you hear? There’s a song on the air There are legions of angels singing there
Can you hear? Will you follow the heavenly hymn? Will you come to the manger of Bethlehem?
Can you see? Rising bright in the east There’s beacon and promise of hope and peace
Will you follow it now as they followed it then? Will you come to the manger of Bethlehem?
Will you know? ‘Neath the skies all aglow,
The Gift of God’s love wrapped in swaddling clothes?
Will you seek His face? Will you feel His grace? Will you know your Lord and King?
Will you come to the Father’s own Son? Will you follow your heart to the Holy One?
All the voices of heaven will guide you to Him Will you come? Come to the manger of Bethlehem
The Nativity is a story of a Baby- a tiny, crying, cute, baby.
Instead of diapers, He was wrapped in “swaddling,” strips of cloth to keep Him warm and safe.
Instead of a cradle, He was laid in a manger- a feeding trough for animals. He had no other place to sleep.
Why would a God leave the beauty, the peace, and the happiness of heaven to become a poor, weak, helpless infant?
He came to be close to us, to touch us, to become like us so that we could become like Him.
He came because He loved us.
Carols to creation’s King in a manger bed. Sing, for God who loves us well
Sends His Son on earth to dwell. God with us, Emmanuel, in a manger bed
Love, here is Love in a manger bed
Love to heal the nations. Love to fill our longing hearts in a manger bed.
Love to comfort all who mourn. Holy Love so newly born.
Christ our Savior, Christ our Lord in a manger bed
God is waiting for you. So, no matter why you left, no matter where you went, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what you’ve become, God is inviting you to come home. He’s waiting to forgive you. He’s offering His love to you. He wants a relationship with you. And you have a choice to make. Listen, because God is calling to you. He’s been inviting you every day of your life; He is inviting you today; His call will go out to you every day of your future. Come home.
Stay tuned as we will continue our story of the nativity in our next blog.
I hope you have found some time to join me as we have been studying through 1 Corinthians. When we open the Bible we can find so many interesting things, stories and learn about God's love for us. Spending time with Jesus can only benefit us and we can find many blessings. Take time each day with Jesus, invite Him into your heart and let Jesus help you grow closer to Him and show you ways to be more like Him. Today let's continue with 1 Corinthians 10:1-13.
Lesson 14- 1 Corinthians 10:1-13- https://www.docdroid.net/EP4ADTK/1-corinthians-study-14-docx
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