Joshua 1:8 “Always remember what is written in the Book of the Teachings. Study it day and night to be sure to obey everything that is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything.”
Do you have a hobby of some sort? What is the most essential tool of your trade in that favorite pastime?
Having the right tool for any task or job you take on is very important. For most things, you need the right tool to complete the task or at least make it run more smoothly.
It’s a silly idea but gets us thinking. There are things we do everyday that require the right tool in our hands. The idea of someone buttering their bread with a paintbrush or clipping their fingernails with hedge clippers. What about blow drying your hair with a leaf blower or using a garden rake to comb your hair. They might get the job done but really aren’t the practical tool to use.
Our spiritual time with Jesus is the same way. There are many ways to do devotions and some really work for people. But to really get to know Jesus. To understand what He wants for us and the best way to serve Him. That requires the right tool for the trade. You can use all kinds of resources to learn about scripture but if you never open the Bible you will never fully understand Jesus, God, creation or salvation.
The resources help you understand the Bible more clearly. Plenty of devotionals can guide you in the right directions and they will help. But to fully find the gems hidden throughout the Bible. To learn the full depth of God’s goodness and build your faith, you need the Bible.
Like a carpenter needs his woodworking tools to build a home, an electrician needs his wires to make power, a florist their flowers, and a writer pen and paper. Christians need the Bible.
I fully believe in one lifetime you will never learn all the treasures found in scripture. What you might have read or learned once or twice will always change as you get older and your walk with God grows.
The Bible is not one and done. Like the time you put into a hobby you love and spend years on, the Bible is also something we should turn into a fun hobby and spend years in.
Open its pages today and allow God to speak to you as He never has before. The Bible and our walk with God are the tools every Christian needs.
Here are 5 basic ways to take in God's word into your mind, heart and soul to help you start your toolbox. -DiciplesToday
Read - Revelation 1:3, Ephesians 3:4, Acts 8:28
Meditate - Psalm 1, II Tim 2:7, II Cor 3:17-18
Memorize - Rom 10:8, Proverbs 22:17-18
Listen / Hear - Prov 8:32-35, Col 4:16, I Tim 4:13, James 1:22 “He who has Ears to Hear”
Study - Ezra 7:10, Acts 17:10-11, Matthew 13:23
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