Daniel 12:3 “The wise people will shine like the brightness of the sky. Those who teach others to live right will shine like stars forever and ever.”
Are you the type of person who has decided your life is to make a difference in this world? Maybe not become president or governor, but do you try to do things, speak up, or let your actions make a difference? Or, are you the type of person who feels you're only one person anyway, what difference could you really make? You live for your family and do what you can to help them or those locally around you.
I like the song Into My Heart and my children I have made up hand motions for it and have closed prayer singing it a few times. The song is asking Jesus to come live in our hearts each day. There is a second verse that many don't sing though. In that verse we ask Jesus to shine out of our hearts each day. Shine out to others so they can see Jesus in you or that you can share Jesus with them.
I love how 2 Corinthians 4:6 fits the song perfectly. “For God, who said, ‘let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.”
As a believer in Jesus, God has chosen to dwell in you. God is looking through your eyes, He is thinking through your thoughts, and acting through you. Once you invite Jesus into your life, He will be your light shining out through you into the darkness of the world. Giving you a purpose for living every minute of each day. Letting Jesus’ light shine from us to a world in darkness.
Look at what happened in the Bible when a follower of God let His light shine through them. Esther turned her King's heart. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego won King Nebuchadnezzar's heart by standing up for God. Daniel and the lion’s den brought God's light to King Darius. Paul let Jesus’ light shine through him to the churches. Paul and Silas sang praises to Jesus and saved a guard. Who can you think of?
You may feel you're nothing like the people in the Bible, what can you do? I have said before, once you invite Jesus into your heart you don't have to be like Daniel or Esther. You don't have to preach at the pulpit or be the prayer warrior for your church. Jesus will use you where you're at with your individual strengths, to let His light shine. A friendly smile, a listening ear, helping the children in church, a warm hug, just keeping a joyful heart for Jesus will help shine the light of Jesus in a dark world. Just living for the Lord will make a difference to someone.
If you feel you're not making a difference, believe in Jesus when He says you are. You may never see it while on this earth, but letting Jesus shine through you could be what saves another soul for Him and you'll see them in heaven.
So, today let Jesus’ light shine through you and leave the rest to Him. Let your light shine and don't hide it or let Satan blow it out. You are making a difference.
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