Psalm 9:10, “Those who know the Lord trust him, because he will not leave those who come to him.”
In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the King's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improves one’s condition.
The Israelites certainly understood facing obstacles. Yet, once they were free, they failed to remember some important lessons, when they came to the Red Sea. They were happy to be free, they saw how God was leading them with fire at night and a cloud during the day. Yet, when they came to the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army was quickly approaching, fear set in, and many forgot to trust God. Yes, this was an obstacle, but God was still in control. It's actually a really great story to read and is really amazing when you take the time to think that God parted the sea so they could cross. Take a few minutes to imagine it, put yourself in what they saw. God himself took His hands and held the sea apart so they could walk through the one obstacle that would keep them safe from Pharaoh and his army. Let's look at a few lessons that we can learn from this amazing story in the Bible. Let’s not allow ourselves to be like the Israelites and lose our trust in God when obstacles come into our lives. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one's condition and strengthen our faith and trust in God.
God knows what He’s doing
Even if the way He’s leading doesn’t seem to make much sense and His timing seems off, or the wait and journey get long, we can trust Him. Always. He knows our way. He sees the big picture. He has good in store. We can thank Him for His Sovereignty, His care over us, and His leadership.
God leads our way
God will not leave us to fend for ourselves, struggling to find our way. He will lead us. He promises to. We may not see Him in a pillar of cloud or fire these days, but we have His Word, and the Holy Spirit to give guidance to our days. He is with us, He gives wisdom, He provides direction. He goes ahead of us, He walks with us, and He guards our way from behind.
When we see obstacles, God sees opportunities
He will make a way where there seems to be no way out. The bigger the problem, the greater His ability to shine right through it all. When things were looking bleak and dark, God had a plan, and it was amazing.
We can focus on the problem, or we can choose to trust God
The Israelites were terrified when they saw the enemy coming their way. They doubted their leader, they questioned God, they complained, they grumbled, they panicked. Yet God didn’t get mad at their humanity or fears. He only asked for their obedience, and their trust.
God will stand between us and the enemy. We never fight alone
He will send His angels to fight for us and guard us. He Himself will fight for us and guard us. That’s how much He loves us and desires to set His protection over us. It doesn’t mean we won't ever face the battle, but we can know, that He is with us in the midst of it.
Our God is a God of miracles
This same God who divided the Red Sea so the Israelites crossed on dry ground, and covered up the enemy in the depths of that same sea, bringing salvation to His people—this is the same God who works on our behalf today. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
We may be facing our own Red Sea moment this week. Maybe the enemy seems hot on our trail, lurking close, whispering lies and defeat, trying his best to trip us up. As believers who have made the choice to put our faith and trust in Christ, we can stand on the assurance that He will never leave us or forsake us. He will lead us. He will bring honor to Himself through even the hardest circumstances we face in this life. He is strengthening us and guiding us continually.
John Piper writes, "I have never met a mature, fruitful, strong, spiritually discerning Christian who is not full of Scripture, devoted to regular meditation on Scripture, and given to storing it in the heart through Bible memorization — and that’s not a coincidence. So, what I want to do is persuade our believing friends that it is absolutely essential, after coming to faith in Christ, to be radically, deeply, experientially devoted — unshakably, unwaveringly persuaded — that reading and meditating on and understanding and memorizing and enjoying the Scriptures is absolutely essential for the Christian life, which would include being in the word every day with the aim that we will meet God there and, little by little, the glory of his truth will fill and transform our lives."
Let's continue our study with Hebrews 11:13-22
Study 21, Hebrews 11:13-22-
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