Jeremiah 32:17 "Oh, Lord God, you made the skies and the earth with your very great power. There is nothing too hard for you to do."

When God speaks; birds sing, flowers bloom, mountains move, and storms calm. When God speaks; colors fill the wings of the birds, zebras get their stripes, giraffes and leopards grow spots and a rainbow fills with vibrant colors. When God speaks; the winds blow, the waves take motion, and seasons come and go. When God speaks; a baby takes their first breath, love finds each other, and a heart finds peace. When God speaks; we can hear the songs of nature, see the beauty of creation, feel the soft fur of a cuddly puppy, smell the sweet fragrances, and taste the delicious fruits and vegetables around us. When God speaks; creation comes into being.
Yet when the rain comes, or we face a trial in life we become God’s biggest critic. We take for granted the simplest things, like a child’s laugh, a friendly smile, or another day God has given us. We can’t see past the problem and toward the bigger picture God has for our life. In the dark times we grumble when we should be rejoicing. We blame instead of trusting. We forget that we are God’s masterpiece, and He is still by our side in the hard times not just the good times.
When God speaks nothing stays the same. When God speaks something happens. Since the beginning of creation when God spoke, He created everything out of nothing. Throughout the Bible whenever God spoke His plan was revealed. As it was in the beginning, when God said it was good, each result God considers good (Philippians 2:13). In the New Testament when Jesus spoke things happened. Jesus healed the blind, Luke 18:42; lepers found healing, Luke 5:13, 17:14; a sinner experienced forgiveness, John 8:11; many were healed. When Jesus spoke, things happened.
Have you heard the voice of God, experienced Him in your life? Or have you been too busy playing the antagonist? God is still speaking today, and mountains are still moving. Although we may not hear God’s voice directly, He speaks through the creation all around us and He speaks through scripture. I’m reminded of Elijah when the Lord was going to speak to him. Elijah waited by a cave and there was an earthquake, but it was not God. There was a strong wind, but it was not God. There was a fire, but it was not God. God spoke after all of that in a small quiet sound.
God doesn’t always speak in a spectacular way, not like He used to in biblical times through an audible voice or a vision (although He still does to some). He speaks through His Word when you have hidden in your heart. A writer Aria Fischer has said, “The Bible isn’t written to your brain. It’s written to your heart. You’ve got to read the Bible with your heart, not just your head. God will speak to you through the Word.”
God speaks in many ways we just have to open our hearts and listen. Have you ever met someone with such love and passion for Christ that it’s inspiring? Do you love Jesus with such passion and fire that nothing will keep you from sharing the gospel? God spoke at creation and things happened. God spoke through the ages and things happened. Let’s stop allowing our critical side to stop us from hearing, seeing and believing and listen to God speaking to us. He has a plan, He has a promise to fulfill and He is speaking to us now to help fulfill that promise. Today, be still, listen to God and when He asks, ‘Whom shall I send?’ Your response can be, ‘Here I am Lord, send me.’
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