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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

Whoever Started This Christmas Thing

Colossians 1:14, "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

City sidewalks, busy sidewalks, dressed in holiday style. In the air there's a feeling of Christmas…

     How true the song rings true to the season of Christmas. Busy sidewalks, busy stores, busy, busy, busy.

     A mother was like all moms during the Christmas season. With her kids in tow, she was busy shopping for many hours. Up and down aisle after aisle, her children asking for anything and everything.

     Reaching some elevators she sighed, feeling what many of us feel during the holiday; overwhelmed. Looking for just the right gifts, pressure to go to all the parties, filling the house with those wonderful baked goods, and making sure you get everyone on your list. The pressures, the busyness, the holiday cheer, can be overwhelming.

     As the elevator doors opened, she took another breath. The elevator already had a crowd of people. She tightly held on to her children's hands and the many bags already full of purchases and squeezed into the elevator. As the door closed, she couldn't help but blurt out, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found and shot!”

     From the back of the elevator, a quiet voice responded, “Don't worry, we've already crucified Him.”

     The rest of the trip down was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.


     As Christians we know Jesus didn't start this Christmas thing, but His appearance in our world is a main focus as we celebrate this season.

     The other week I mentioned that the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth is the beginning to our redemption story. Jesus came to this world as man to redeem us by paying our ransom. Our debt was paid at the cross and from that we now have the hope of salvation when Jesus returns. A promise to see God face to face and walk with Him. That promise began at the birth of Jesus and Christmas is when we celebrate that time.


     Our lives, country, and world are far from perfect. Everyone will face challenges, struggles and more. Christmas is a time we find good news and hope. Our circumstances and this world are always changing- but the timeless story of Jesus' birth will always be our beacon of hope. Christmas is about how Jesus came to give us love, hope, and joy. With all the bad news and devastation around us we can let Christmas be the good news worth celebrating.

     We get busy, heartache can come our way, stress and anxiety fill our lives, especially during Christmas, but the story of Jesus’ birth can assure us that God is always working to bring good out of all that happens. God tells us never to worry, He will never leave us and His love won't waver. Jesus coming to live as we live, tells us we don't have to journey this life and its struggles and challenges, alone. Jesus understands them and he has walked them and now walks alongside us through them.


     As you enjoy this holiday season, maybe get a little frazzled or stressed. Take a deep breath and praise God, Jesus “began” this in a manger long ago. And because of that night, and the cross you are saved and have the hope of salvation.

I hope this last year has brought you many blessings and even if you had your trials you were able to lean on the Lord for the strength to get through them. I hope you have found time each day to walk with Jesus through prayer and studies of His Word. If you have joined me through the year and our many Bible studies, I hope you have been blessed and found a greater walk and joy in Jesus and with Him. Let's wrap up this year with one last study as we finish Joy in Christmas with the last couple lessons and a wrqp up.

As we finish another year together, thank you all for your support in reading these blogs. I pray the Lord blessed you in many ways and pray you continue to find time with Him each and every day. May you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. From our hearth to yours, wishing you many blessings, and hope for 2025!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you'd like take a few more minutes to look around or click on my other links, God bless.

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