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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

Zip Ties That Bind

John 10:28 “I give them eternal life, and they will never die, and no one can steal them out of my hand.”

Have you ever used a zip tie for anything? I’ve found multiple uses for them around the house and my husband uses them for many things at work. Zip ties are small yet very handy when you want to hold two objects together, or when you want to hold something in place. The nice thing is that they are long yet could be pulled onto the smallest object or tied around bigger objects. I use them to hold metal gates together or the chicken wire for the coops. We have them around the garden tightening the fence to the poles. I've used them to hold my strands of Christmas lights in place around my home. They're handy because they're very strong bands of plastic and very unbreakable once you've set them in place. If you need them for bigger objects, you just loop them together forming an unbreakable chain until it becomes the size for what you need it for. The nice thing about zip ties is that they last and weather all kinds of things from wear and tear to crazy weather outside and they won't break. Usually, the only way I can release them once they are pulled around the object is with a knife or scissors.

When I was asked how I could relate this to a Bible lesson, a few things came to mind. One of the strongest ideas was that zip ties can be like the Bible. To begin with, the Bible survives and lasts. Not only does God say it's words will last forever, but the Bible has been passed on from generation to generation and has survived all sorts of physical wear and tear. When we open Gods Word, we find strength to help hold us together in all that life throws our way. Sometimes the Bible keeps us in place until God is ready to move us to another place in life or in our walk with Him. When we are wrapped up in the Bible it becomes very difficult for satan to break us. The best part is that when we share the Bible with others and they accept God's teaching, they too become linked to the Bible in a way and we are linked together with them forming an unbreakable chain because God has said, where two or three are together in My name, I will be there with them.

Which brings me to my second thought. Zip ties can be like the arms of Jesus. Once we are wrapped in the loving arms of Jesus there is an unbreakable bond that keeps us safe and secure. His loving arms hold us in place through the storms of life and hugs us tightly and happily through our joys. When we link on to Jesus’ arms satan won't be able to break us and our strength is made stronger with Jesus.

Lastly, when you work a zip tie it clicks down the strand until it's locked on to the object and doesn't let go. Our faith can be like that. Faith doesn't immediately start as a tree; it has to grow. Like each little click of movement on the zip tie bringing it closer to locking in place. Each experience we go through with Jesus good and bad, our faith grows stronger bringing us closer to Jesus and more tightly with Him. As our faith grows the more secure we become in Jesus as Lord in our life and an unbreakable bond has formed. When we share our faith, we are linking together in Jesus and can stand strong against this world and satan saying, “I shall not be moved.”

Today be like a zip tie and lock onto Jesus, don’t let the world or satan shake you. Storms will come and so will troubles but with Jesus we can face anything and stay grounded in Him. Jesus is our hope and anchor, the One who will keep us amid the storms. He is the One who is able to keep us steadfast and unmovable in spite of the tides of life.

I hope you have been able to join me in studying Ephesians and that you have learned some new wonderful things about Jesus and our lives. Today we will continue to further our study with Ephesians 3. I will leave a link of the study I am using but again encourage you to even just read the chapter and let the Holy Spirit lead.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you'd like take a few more minutes to look around or click on my other links, God bless.

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