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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

"Lesson" Day

Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye."

I'm finishing up my second year of homeschooling my daughter. It’s been a fun experience and I have enjoyed learning things along with her, although my enjoyment probably is more enthusiastic than hers. One thing I have had to do at the beginning of each year, but also along the way, is make lesson plans. I put together Math lessons, History lessons, English lessons and much more. Each lesson is filled with knowledge to help her learn more about each subject so that she will be equipped for life and her graduation. Although she struggled through some lessons and has enjoyed others, I hope she has at least learned a little during each lesson and that it’s now stored somewhere in her knowledge so she can use it later in life. The hardest challenge in each lesson is to make it challenging enough, that she learns, yet not so challenging she gets frustrated and gives up. Not so easy she doesn't learn anything but how to breeze through school.

Do you ever wonder why Jesus taught in parables? Maybe you already have an idea but let's explore it. When someone comes to speak at my church and begins talking using big words, professor type language or like a well-versed scholar I tend to get lost a lot easier. It can be hard to follow their thought process. Yet when someone comes in and uses simple analogies or speaks on a level more to what I can relate to they are easy to follow and listen to. Please don't misunderstand me. God uses everyone to share His message, and everyone can be interesting, I just personally see it differently. I believe Jesus taught in parables because it reached many more people in a way they could relate to. Above all, Jesus spoke in a way that even today it’s a lesson that we can apply to our lives. Some parables like the lost sheep or sower of the seeds are a little easier to learn from and some like the parable of the yeast or the first shall be last and the last shall be first require us to dig a little deeper to see what Jesus is teaching. No matter how simple or how over our heads Jesus spoke in parables so we could, 1- learn a lesson and 2- learn to lean on Jesus for guidance through this world. Each story teaches us about God's Son, Heaven, Salvation, and how to treat others.

So, how does this all relate to us? Daily, we are faced with many things. We have choices to make that determine the course of the day and how it unfolds. Some things may be in our control while others we have no say about and have to ride it out. Have you ever finished a day and said, ‘Today was a good day’! Or maybe you've fallen into a chair completely defeated and claimed, ‘Today was a bad day’! Sometimes we can change bad days into good days and sometimes we're glad just to put the day behind us.

Like my daughter, she enjoys some of her lessons but usually is glad just to complete them and check them off. But like her lessons are meant to teach her something valuable she can use in life, each day we face whether good or bad, is a ‘lesson’ day. There is always something we can learn from our challenges and our triumphs. Like I planned my daughters school lessons in advance knowing they will help her along, Jesus has our days already planned to help us along in life. He knows sometimes we have to face those ‘bad’ days to learn something, and He knows the ‘good’ days will strengthen us and we can use them to help others. No matter what we face good or bad Jesus has promised to walk through our days with us and help us when we need Him.

Today, whether it is a ‘good’ day or ‘bad’ day, face the challenges and thank the Lord that no matter what, each day can be a ‘lesson’ day in which we can grow closer and stronger with Jesus.

Let's continue our study through our Blue Jeans Faith Study as we go into lesson 8. Today let's read James 4:4-17.

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