Lamentations 3:22-23 “The Lord’s love never ends; his mercies never stop. They are new every morning; Lord, your loyalty is great.”

Remember when you were a kid, getting all excited to wake up on your birthday, first day of school, Christmas, maybe even while on vacation. You had a hard time falling asleep because of the excitement for the next day and it just never could come fast enough.
As an adult does the word “excitement” of another day fill you with the same joy? Most likely the words, “busy, schedules, work, worried, full, overwhelmed”, fill your vocabulary more than excitement, for the next day. Maybe you wake up and sigh before your day has even began. Sleeping in sounds more exciting than the plans of the day.
Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that God is new every morning and He’s excited about the day He has set before you. Isaiah 43:19 God says, “See, I am doing a new thing, now it is starting, will you take note of it.” God is helping us change our outlook of each day, so we look forward to waking up and seeing the plans He has for us. He even tells us that they will be new, and we can be full of hope and excitement instead of feeling “the blues” of the mundane.
Think about your children when they were small or your grandchildren. Maybe you have young ones still at home. You can have a day all set and planned yet they can change it up in an instant. Or, they never run out of cuteness so you’re never bored with the mundane. Each day brings on new discoveries, new words, new silliness.
God wants us to look forward to days like that. Habakkuk 1:5 God says, “Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you.”
God is a God who makes everything new, Revelation 21:4. We can move into each day as a new adventure. The day before is now in the past and can’t be undone. God now wants us to look forward not back because He has great plans for you.
Sure, you still have routines, work and schedules but being alive today means that God is not finished with you yet. He has more blessings in store.
“Today there are more people God wants you to minister to. He has more work for you to do for His kingdom and He has more Christ-like qualities He wants to build into your life! This is what makes each day worth living and anticipating!” -Pastor Mark, Encouraging Word.
Where are you at in life? Do you look forward to each new day with excitement as you go to sleep or do you see it as another mundane day? When you wake new and refreshed do you look forward to seeing what God has set into place that’s new for you or are you downcast?
Each day we are given is a blessing from God and a new opportunity to grow closer with Him and witness for Him. As the excitement we had as children to each day, we can still be excited for when we look to the Lord for the new things He wants to do in and for our lives. Even on those down days of trials and maybe tribulation or heartache, God is still working to give us something new. Let’s all get excited to see what God is going to do today.
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