Romans 8:28 “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan.”
Let’s look at one man from the Bible today, Job. He had something in his life that was intended to harm but through trust, faith, and perseverance his outcome became quite different.
One of the saddest stories in the Bible is Job. It’s one thing to lose your job or home. But it’s entirely different to lose your spouse or your child too early in life. And getting deathly ill probably fits high on that list too. Yet the devil intended harm to prove a point to the angels who still claimed Jesus. ‘Take away their blessings and they will curse God’. So, the story is set, and God allowed the things to happen to Job. He lost everything, his job, his home, his wife and children and then was diagnosed with a deadly disease.
How could anyone persevere through all that? Would your faith be shaken? Would you question God, maybe curse God? Job’s friends sure wanted him to, they said he should blame God.
Yet in the middle of all this tragedy Job chose to hold tighter to God believing there had to be a reason in all God’s wisdom that He allowed Job to lose everything and possibly face death. Wavering faith? Possibly, we don’t really know. But we do know he remained faithful and the Lord saw him through the disease and loses. Once, Satan was proven wrong, the Lord then blessed Job two-fold. A better job, health and a new wife and more children. What a message Job now had to share on remaining faithful among tragedy and about God’s mercy and healing.
He didn’t know the circumstances that led to the tragedies. He couldn’t see God’s plan from the beginning, and through it all, he didn’t know whether he would live or die. All he knew was God was a faithful God and all things would work together as God intended.
Max Lucado wrote, “Can you imagine the devil groaning with each message? What he intended for evil, God used for good. Satan unknowingly advanced the cause of the kingdom. Rather than destroy, he strengthened a disciple.”
How powerful are those words? When we go through bad times and persevere in faith trusting God, then share that message to others we become a disciple for God and once again Satan loses.
Think of some other people who had to persevere and remained faithful while the devil tried to attack and how they too found good from harm. Daniel and the lions, Joseph and his brothers and prison. Esther and Haman, Jesus and the cross. Can you think of more? All had harm intended towards them, yet they remained faithful in their trust that all works according to God’s plan for good. And from each tragedy came a new message of God’s mercy and healing, once again causing defeat for the devil.
My prayer for all my readers is that you don’t ever have to face something as tragic as Job. But we do live in a world of sin and we all know someone or ourselves who have had to face some kind of tragedy, some greater than others. No matter how big or how small, if you have or are facing a personal trial where you find yourself asking, ‘Why God?’ Find strength in the scriptures and in the stories of those who have gone before us. Trust God have faith in God’s wisdom and persevere through.
Whatever has been meant for evil or harm, God will turn to good. And your message will defeat the devil’s intentions. James 5:8 “You too must be patient. Do not give up hope, because the Lord is coming soon.”
Even if you can’t see it now, God has us in His hands and the reasons He allows things will be shown to you when the time is right. If you are struggling, no matter the reason. If you are facing a lose of any kind, claim the promises in scripture, claim Jesus and all Him to help you persevere through. Yes, there might be pain but that pain will turn to joy one day. Trust and have faith. And when that faith or trust is weak just pray and let God help you.
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