Matthew 6:34, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

As we settle into each new year, we all feel a sense of beginning. A chance to put another year behind us and start new. For many they set resolutions or goals. For some they simply decide to do better in areas in their life where they fell short the year before. January marks the beginning of a new calendar year and can bring hope for the new year to come.
No matter the time of year, I think we all can resolve to be better, do better, and start something new or pick up something we haven't done in a long time. So let's jump right in beginning today.
Beginning today I will no longer worry about yesterday. I know it's easier said than done, but yesterday is in the past, nothing can change it. Now is the time to choose to let it go and move forward. Choose differently, choose to speak differently, choose to feel differently. Only you, with Gods help, can change.
Beginning today I will not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will always be there. If I am worried about tomorrow, I cannot make the most of today. Today is all I have been promised. Today I can choose to let the Lord use me for His glory.
Beginning today I will cherish the moments in my life. I will be grateful for the blessings I have been given. I will use my moments to show love to my family, be a friend to others, and use God's gifts to share the Lord with others.
Beginning today I will take one day at a time, one step at a time. The Lord has given me today. Whether things are going well, or trials have set in, I will trust the Lord has my life and my loved ones in His hands. Today I will let victory prevail no matter what I face.
Beginning today I am responsible for my own happiness. Others can bring me joy or bring me down. I can choose to keep a positive spirit and let the negative go. Today I will let the simple wonders of nature bring me joy. I can pet a puppy or kitten, listen to my favorite music, or take a bubble bath. I choose my happiness.
Beginning today I will open my mind and heart. I will seek the Lord for new experiences or opportunities. I will let the Lord live freely in my life, allowing His will over mine to lead me. I will not seek perfection in myself and accept where I may fail, grateful for the chance to try again. I open my heart to the Savior, thankful for today.
Beginning today I will walk in renewed faith. Faith in the Lord that He's got my situations in His hands, and all will work out. Faith in human kindness in a world that's falling apart. I will have faith that there is a brighter and better future.
Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and allow the Lord to reveal things for me to enjoy. I will step out of my routine and enjoy the small moments with my loved ones.
Beginning today I will face challenges before me. I will tackle things with courage and determination. I will overcome any barriers that may hinder my path. Today I will grow and find room for self-improvement.
Beginning today I will learn something new; try something different. I will be grateful for whatever the day offers. I will change what I can change and let the rest go.
Beginning today I will embrace that I am a child of the King. I will do my best to walk more like Christ. I will find moments of praise and sing praises to the Lord. Today I will set my sail and allow God to make the wind.
No matter the time of year, these are some good goals to set. Either all at once, pick one daily, once a week or once a month. The Lord tells us we need to only live in today. Let the past go and don't think too hard about tomorrow. Today it's a gift, let's all make the most of our gift. Beginning today and every day give it to God and let Him lead. The good will come along with blessings one day at a time.
Another thing you can start if you are looking for something new with Jesus is simple Bible studies. Time to dive into scripture without feeling overwhelmed or that you can't fit it into your schedule. When we take the time in the scriptures we learn more about Jesus and how He wants us to grow more as Christians and children of God. We have been studying on how the Bible helps us relate to others in a Godly way and today we will continue with lesson 5.
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