"To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power,"

Jesus gave us the perfect example how to pray following the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew. Following is ways you can pray like Jesus. Either follow the prayer or start making your own with the same guidelines.
Praise God!- Our Father who is in Heaven…
Lord, you are Almighty. You are my Creator and Friend and I am thankful. It is such a blessing to step out in Your world and see how awesome You are as I look at nature. Thank You for the chance I have to see the twinkling stars at night and to be able to feel the warmth of the sun during the day. I praise You and all You are to me.
Seek God’s Will- Thy kingdom come; thy will be done…
Lord, I know Your will is for salvation of all people. The bad that happens around me is because of sin and the choices man makes to ignore You. Help me daily to do my part to show Your will to others. Help them see Jesus through me as I go out and make disciples by not only my words, but also my actions.
Seek God’s Favor- Give us this day our daily bread…
Lord, I only have today and even at that it is uncertain. Help me to always remember to be grateful for what I have today. Thank you for providing all I need to get through today and please continue to bless my family and myself with what we need daily to live.
Seek and Give Forgiveness- Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors…
Lord, I’m not worthy to be called Your child. I stumble, I fall, I still stress, worry, complain and gossip. There are those who irritate me or have hurt me that I want to stay mad at. Please give me a forgiving heart knowing it is you who sits in the judgment seat not me. Forgive me also Lord, help me daily become aware of how I sin so that I can change. Thank you also for sending my sins to the sea and forgetting them, help me to be able to do that too.
Seek God’s Protection- Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil…
Lord, help me to always hear the voice of the Holy Spirit so that when temptation comes my way, I can say no. It will only be by your strength that I can say no, help me to always lean on you. And please protect my family and myself and to always remember when I choose you, I have an army of angels who have my back.
Acknowledge God- For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory…
Lord, I can pray all these things to you because You sit on the throne of grace in heaven by your Father. This world, my life all belongs to You and You created it all. And You have all authority to do as You please and one day You will come again and reclaim us. Help me always to be on Your side out of love not out of fear.
Thank God…
I love you and thank you, Amen.
This is an excerpt taken from one of my books Prepare Your Prayer Closet- For more information or to order please click on the link. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=prepare+your+prayer+cloest+D.S.+wells&ref=nb_sb_noss

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